Alison Bender and Income Tax Returns
The probability that fewer than 2 of the returns contains errors is:
a) Data and Calculations:
Number of income tax returns filed by Alison = 12
Number of returns with minor errors = 2
Percentage of returns with minor errors = 2/12 = 16.67%
Random sampling of returns by Alison's manager = 3/12 = 25%
Fewer than 2 = 1
The probability of 1 error in 12 returns = 1/12 = 0.08333
= 8.333%
b) Since Alison's manager randomly selects three returns from the 12 to check for errors, the probability of discovering the errors is 25% (3/12). However, the probability that less than 2 contains errors = 8.333% (1/12).