SumThreeArrays PROC USES eax ebx esi,
array1:PTR DWORD, array2:PTR DWORD,
array3:PTR DWORD, arraySize:DWORD
LOCAL sz:BYTE ; local sz for jump
mov sz, 4 ; size of each iteration jump
mov ecx, arraySize ; set ecx to size of arrays for loop
mov eax, arraySize ; move array size into eax
sub eax, ecx ; subtract whats left
mul sz ; multiply by 4 to know how much to jump
mov esi, array1 ; set esi to start of array 1
mov ebx, [esi+eax] ; move value of esi+jump into ebx
mov esi, array2 ; set esi to start of array 2
add ebx, [esi+eax] ; add value of esi+jump to ebx
mov esi, array3 ; set esi to start of array 3
add ebx, [esi+eax] ; add value of esi+jump to ebx
mov esi, array1 ; set esi to start of array 1
mov [esi+eax], ebx ; move value of ebx into esi+jump
SumThreeArrays ENDP
Step-by-step explanation:
The subroutine "SumThreeArrays" from the assembly language gets from memory three defined arrays from a C++ source code and extend the size of the first array with the values of the second and the third arrays.