The number is 8875
Let the numbers be ABCD
Now, A has only 8 options because it's number can be from 1 to 9 excluding 5 because it is reserved for the last number D from the question.
Since A and B are to be the same from the question, then B also has 8 options.
C has only 7 options from 1 to 9 (I didn't say from 0 to 9 for a reason you'll soon see) excluding 2 numbers designated for A and B, then for D.
And D has only one option which is 5.
Since exactly two must be even, then the first two numbers have to even because only the first 3 numbers have possiblity of being even and if I pick a number an odd number for the first number, the second must be the same. Therefore, there is no way exactly two can be even except that the first two are even and for this reason C cannot not be 0 like I said earlier on.
If we pick 6 for the first two, it means we have 66C5. Now since adding the numbers gives 28, there is no single digit that can fit C. The case is the same if we pick 4 for the first and second number since 6 is larger than 4. Hence the only option is picking 8 for the two numbers, so we have
If C is 7, addition of the digits give 28. Therefore our number is
This satisfies all the condition stated in the question.