(Add tab) Having to be at school by 7:30 or 7:00 in the morning eventually turns teens and kids into zombies, and not in a healthy way. Most days, kids, especially teens, come home with loads of homework, causing them to go to bed late, leaving them with only a few hours of sleep. Early times such as these can also cause stress, which can lead to loss of sleep too. This means that kids and teens still have to get up early in the morning and sit through hours of learning with only a few hours of sleep.
(Add tab) Waking up at 7:00AM can be extremely harmful to teens' health and grades. With this being said, later times such as 8:00, 8:30, or maybe even 9:00 would be a better option considering the health and standards of teens and kids. The reason for this is because schools always start in the mornings, and some teens can barely wake up for this movement, so they fall asleep when set to do work and tasks.
(add tab)Every school thinks that they can keep their kids awake by starting maybe an hour later than Elementary schools, well truthfully they're wrong. Many teens always stay up late, and nothing is going to stop them from it because they want to go to sleep when they feel like it is not a set time.
(add tab)The reason the kids that are falling asleep and not doing no work are called zombies. In our view, they are always "moaning" and are always looking tired and acting tired. Kids at school with barely any rest act and sometimes look the same exact way.
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