5 votes
Dear Garden Designer,

I've ordered this shed. It is 2 meters wide, 3.25 meters
long and 2.8 meterstal
I have moved into a house with a smal garden that needs a total redesign
Please design my garden for me. I have attached an accurate scale drawing of my
garden to this emai. I ve listed below some features I want in the garden. I will email
you later about some other things I also want.
To start, please could you draw these features accurately on the plan, showing where
you think they should go in the garden. Send me your plan with an explanation of your
Best wishes,
Decking for barbeques
I want some decking near the patio doors
It should be big enough to seat at least six people
Circular pond
I would like a circular pond.
I'd like its area to be about 7 m.
Path and Borders
I would like some flower borders. These should not be
more than one motor wide as I find wider ones difficult
to look after.
I'd like a gravel path 1 meter wide to go from the shed
to the house and from the garden gate to the house
I will cover the rest with grass

User Tomjen
5.6k points

1 Answer

5 votes


Step-by-step explanation:MATHEMATICAL GOALS

This lesson unit is intended to help assess how well students are able to interpret and use scale

drawings to plan a garden layout. This involves using proportional reasoning and metric units.


This lesson relates to the following Standards for Mathematical Practices in the Common Core State

Standards for Mathematics, with a particular emphasis on Practices 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6:

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

This lesson gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of the following Standards for

Mathematical Content in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics:

7.G: Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between


Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area,

and volume.

7.EE: Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and


7.RP: Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical



This lesson unit is structured in the following way:

• Before the lesson, students work individually on a task designed to reveal their current levels of

understanding. You review their responses and create questions to help them improve their work.

• At the start of the lesson, students reflect on their individual responses, before producing a

collaborative improved solution to the task. Then, in the same small groups students analyze

sample responses. They then discuss as a whole-class the methods they have seen and used.

• In a follow-up lesson, students reflect on their work. If time allows, an extension task is available.


• Each student will need a copy of Design a Garden and Garden Plan, some blank paper, a miniwhiteboard, pen, and eraser, and the How Did You Work? questionnaire. The Garden Plan should

be copied at exactly 100% scale so the measurements are accurate. If this is not possible,

photocopy the rules on S-3, one rule per student, which should then match the Garden Plan

measurements. It will be useful to have spare copies of the Garden Plan.

• Each small group of students will need a new copy of the Garden Plan, the Assistants’ Methods, a

glue stick, felt-tipped pen, and a sheet of poster paper. For the optional extension Mandy’s Second

Email will be needed. Provide short rules, meter rules, string, protractors, scissors, glue, card,

plain paper, graph paper, and colored pencils for students who choose to use them.


20 minutes before the lesson, a 110-minute lesson (or two 60-minute lessons), and 10 minutes in a

follow-up lesson. Actual timings will depend on the needs of your students.

User Undg
5.8k points