Dont know if this is what you need but here's all the translations of the verbs without their reflexive pronouns.
1. Acostarse - Acostar (to lie down)
2. Afeitarse - Afeitar (to shave)
3. Arreglarse - Arreglar (To get ready)
4. Bañarse - Bañar (To bathe/take a bath)
5. Cepillarse (los dientes) - Cepillar (To brush) (Los dientes= your teeth, so this would be "to brush your teeth)
6. Despertarse - Despertar (to wake up)
7. Dormirse - Dormir (To sleep)
8. Ducharse - Duchar (To take a shower)
9. Entrenarse - Entreanar (To train/ prepare)
10. Lavarse - Lavar (To wash)
11. Maquillarse - Maquillar (To put on makeup)
12. Peinarse - Peinar (To comb- your hair)
13. Ponerse la ropa - Poner la ropa ( to put clothes on)
14. Secarse - Secar (To dry off)
15. Peinarse- Peinar (To comb- your hair)