To do
14) If the author of this passage were going to write an essay specifically
about dealing with difficult students, which is the best prediction for the
content and tone most likely to be present in that article?
great deal of money,
mpared to other
ter over time. A
years doesn't make
anly been in the
The article would talk about the difficulties of
A) financing school systems through sales tax and
property tax bases.
The article would discourage all readers from
B) becoming teachers due to its horrible tone describing
ill-behaved students.
art in the classroom,
articularly if a parent
with conferences,
cial excuses for a
again, to many new
The article would probably list many of the problems
students cause teachers with an experienced,
perhaps somewhat jaded tone.
The article would focus upon the kind of students
D) that teachers enjoy seeing in their classroom most
with a celebratory tone.