1 month is aprox. 30 days, so
To find john's daily salary:
For a month, the salary is 4,410 rupees, so for a day how much?
days salary
30 4,410 (This is how I learnt to solve these kind of problems)
1 ?
Then you crisscross the equation which becomes
4,410/30=147 rupees
To find weekly salary:
we now know the salary for one day so we can say: For a day, the salary is 147 rupees, so for 7 days (1 week) how much?
You multiply the salary for one day and the number of days: 147×7=1,029 rupees
To find salary for a year (annual):
we now know the salary for one day so we can say: For a day, the salary is 147 rupees, so for 365 days (1 year) how much?
You multiply the salary for one day and the number of days: 147×365=53,655 rupees
Hope it helps!