Dear Miss Nails,
I am writing to you to inform you of my proposal, which I consider to be something that can be beneficial for all of the students in our school.
During the past month, we have been studying environmental issues and what we can do to stop global warming. As a result, we have seen a lot of environmental activists, but the one that had the most powerful impact is Greta Thunberg.
Greta Tunberg is a 17-year-old activist who is known for her leading role in raising awareness about global warming. Also, she had a memorable impact on how every human in this world should be involved in the climate crisis, either by claiming to our governments for laws regarding the environment or by doing small things that can contribute to reducing pollution and the state of today's world.
I consider that it would be beneficial for all the students in the school if Greta Tumbergs gives a speak since she is a girl about our age that inspired the entire world to be involved in the climate crisis. She showed us that it does not matter how young you are to take action in problems that affect all of us. Besides, she will be someone that students will feel closer to due to her age and the fact that she might understand teenagers better than an adult to reach to us.
I hope that you take into consideration my proposal due to the facts previously mentioned.
Yours faithfully,
Susan Miles.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this letter, we have to use the formal language since we are writing to the principal of the school. Also, we have to explain who the celebrity is and be persuasive by stating the reasons why we think that this celebrity, Greta Tunberg, and her speech would be beneficial for the school's community.