Answer and explanation:
If a team's winning percentage denotes how often it has won then,
Then assume that it has won 7 out of 10 times then it has won 70% of the time
If the team's opponents' winning percentage denotes how often each has won without haven to face the team, then assume that each opponent has won 6 out of 10 times then it has each opponent has won 60% of the time(it could be different percentages if teams have won different number of games for each 10 games played)
If each opponent's opponents have each won 5 out of 10 times, 8 out of 10 times, 7 out of 10 times(assuming 3 groups, say 3 each, of opponents for 3 teams) then the groups must have won 50%, 80% and 70% of the time.