Young women were banned from working in factories. - False
Unmarried women had more job opportunities outside the home than married women. - True
Educated women often became doctors or lawyers. - False
Many educated women became schoolteachers. - False
Step-by-step explanation:
In 1800 women did not have many opportunities to work outside the home. This was because it was the duty of women to take care of their children, cleaning the house and the husband. In that case, job openings for married women were even smaller. Young and single women, on the other hand, could occupy low-paid positions such as washerwomen, seamstresses, factory workers, cooks, rural workers, among others.
At that time, women also did not receive quality education, so they did not learn professions as lawyers or doctors. Women who had some kind of education, could be a chaperone, or, be a housekeeper, who would be responsible for running a home, including the education of children.