The path of the atmospheric nitrogen to the glutamate involves three broad steps where it is fixed to ammonia which is incorporated into glutamine and then finally forms glutamate by catalyzation reaction. These three reactions are given below with products formed, reactants, and enzymes involved:
1. Atmospheric nitrogen is the reactant that is reduced to ammonia (product) in this reaction. This reaction is catalyzed by the nitrogenase complex present in bacteria present in legumes:
N2 + 10H+ + 8e- + 16ATP → 2NH4+ + 16ADP + 16Pi + H2.
2. Ammonia (reactant) is incorporated into glutamine (product) in this second reaction which involves glutamine synthetase as catalyst: Glutamate + NH4+ + ATP → glutamine + ADP + Pi + H+.
3. Finally glutamine (final product) is formed by the glutamine (substrate) catalyzed by the glutamate synthase
α-Ketoglutarate + glutamine + NADPH + H+ → 2 glutamate + NADP+.