The correct answer is -
Conversion of forest to cropland or pasture decreases the rate at which carbon is taken up by plants.
Cut trees are often burned, and this releases carbon into the atmosphere.
Step-by-step explanation:
Deforestation is the manual removal of the forest and trees permanently to make the land available for places other than forests such as agricultural land, road or cities, and industries. There are many negative impacts of deforestation on the environment and ecology such as reduces biodiversity , soil erosion , a higher chance of flooding , educes soil fertility , global warming, and many more.
Global warming can be influenced by deforestation as if the forests are removed to create cropland the uptake of carbon dioxide will be very less in comparison to the forests as trees use carbon uptake at a higher rate. Many times deforestation also results in burning the trees and log of trees which contribute to the release of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So deforestation means more CO2 in the atmosphere which leads to global warming.