1). Synchronize - Desynchronize
2). Alert - Inattentive
3). Disharmonize - Harmonize
4). Acquit - criminate
5). Duality - individuality/non-duality
Step-by-step explanation:
Antonyms are defined as the words that have the opposite meaning of another word or describes the other end of that word. For example, the word synchronize means 'to occur with coordinated timing' while the antonym of this word i.e. 'desynchronize' stands for 'loss or absence of that coordinated timing.' Similarly, the words 'alert,' 'disharmonize,' 'acquit,' and 'duality' have their antonyms 'inattentive,' 'harmonize,' 'criminate,' and 'individuality' which mean the exact opposite or other end of these words.