Hey rate me on this essay i did. (not really an essay but whatever ig)
What is the meaning of life? A profound question no one has really been able to answer with full confidence. Honestly? I really don't think there is one. We all just exist to die. We are all part of a machine. Nothing ever TRULY has meaning. If something is important it eventually won't be. Like, for example, say you just had a life-changing surgery, it saved your life! Well, it really won't matter because eventually, you will die anyway. I say to not take life too seriously, do whatever the he11 you want to do. Wanna get a tattoo? DO IT! It's gonna fade away eventually. You can't see a tattoo on a corpse, right? Wanna save puppies from fires and rescue orphans? Whatever, weird flex but WHATEVER. You either ki11 yourself or get ki11ed, there is no way out. What I'm
trying to say is, there is no meaning to life, so make the most of it before you don't have a life to give meaning to.