The verse means that the evil intentions and plans of the wicked man will fail and fall on them only. They will become the victims of their own evil schemes, for God looks over His people and would not allow any harm to befall his people.
The book of Proverbs is one of the books in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. This book particularly contains wise proverbs and sayings, advice, and observations of good and bad, which comprises a faithful and loyal son of God and what awaits a lazy and wicked man.
In the particular verse "If he digs a pit, he will fall into it, and if he rolls a stone, it will roll back upon him", the speaker is talking about how evil intentions will fall on the planner and not the expected victim. The evil intentions of a wicked man will fall on him, for the Lord will watch over those who are true to Him and would not allow any harm to fall on his people.