When adding or subtracting fractions, you need to make sure that the denominators are the same:
![(numerator)/(denominator_(z)) -(numerator)/(denominator_(z))](
To do this, you need to find the LCM of the denominators, and multiply top and bottom by the factor:
![(1)/(3) -(5)/(6)](
The denominators are 3 and 6. The lowest common multiple is 6, so you only need to change the first fraction by multiplying by 2. Multiply the top and bottom:
![(2*1)/(2*3) =(2)/(6)](
Insert into the expression:
![(2)/(6) -(5)/(6)](
Now subtract the numerators. The denominators will not change:
![2-5=-3\\\\(2)/(6)-(5)/(6)=-(3)/(6) =-(1)/(2)](