This entry was posted in All Time Favorites, literary classics in review, young adult book reviews and tagged abuse, authentic teenage voice, belonging, books for teens, change, classic teen literature, code of ethics, conflict, Dally, Darry Curtis, defined by society, disillusioned, division of classes, drama entertainment, fiction, gang rivalry, gangs, ghetto, Greasers, guilt, hatred between social classes, how do gangs in The Outsiders compare with gangs today, how do teenagers relate to The Outsiders, innocence, literary classic, moral choices, murder, ostracism, parallels with gangs today in America, Ponyboy, ponyboy curtis, prejudice, privilege, quotes from The Outsiders, redemption, results of poverty, Robert Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay", S. E. Hinton, social rejects, Socials, Socs, Sodapop Curtis, stay gold, symbol of fire, symbols in literature, teen drinking, teen issues, teen smoking, timeless themes in literature, Two-Bit, violence, young adult book. Bookmark the permalink.