Before Tax: $37.50 and $32.50
After-Tax: $40.50 and $35.10
In order to calculate the sales price we need to turn these percentages into the proper decimals, since they are discounts we would do this by dividing each percentage by 100 and then subtracting them from 1. Then we use those decimals and multiply them by the original cost of the shoes.
25% / 100 = 0.25
1 - 0.25 = 0.75
50.00 * 0.75 = $37.50
30% / 100 = 0.35
1 - 0.35 = 0.65
50.00 * 0.65 = $32.50
Now we see that the sales price for these shoes would range between $37.50 and $32.50. Now we need to add an 8% sales tax, we do this by dividing this percentage by 100 and adding 1 to it. Then we multiply this new value by the new sales prices.
8% / 100 = 0.08
0.08 + 1 = 1.08
$37.50 * 1.08 = $40.50
$32.50 * 1.08 = $35.10