The correct answer is: [B]:
"Melissa red {sic} the newspaper while enjoying her breakfast."
Take note of the following:
The word: "read"—when pronounced in the past tense—has the same pronunciation as the word: "red" —(the color).
Furthermore, "red"—in the given sentence, would not make sense—since "red" is an adjective (a "color") in all aspects—and is not a verb and does not function as a verb in any way.
So; this sentence:
"Melissa red {sic} the newspaper while enjoying her breakfast."
which is: "Answer choice: [B]"—is the correct answer!
Let us examine the other answer choices:
Choice [A]: "Did you hear the fireworks last night?"
Note that "here" is a homophone of "hear" ; yet in this sentence, "hear" —is used correctly. Also, "night" is a homophone of "knight" (royalty/fantasy); yet in this sentence, the word, "night"—is used correctly.
Choice [C]: "We are here to meet the teacher before school starts."
Note that: Note that "here" is a homophone of "hear" ; yet in this sentence, "here" —is used correctly. Further, "meat" is a homophone of "meet" ; yet in this sentence, the word, "meet"—is used correctly.
Hope this answer—and explanation is helpful to you! Best wishes!