Following are the method definition to this question:
void printCheck(int work_hour, float rate_per_hour, float salary)//defining a method printCheck that takes three paramaters
cout<<"Hour: "<<work_hour<<endl;//print hour value
cout<<"Rate Per Hour: "<<rate_per_hour<<endl;//print rate/hour value
cout<<"Salary: "<<salary;//print salary value
Step-by-step explanation:
The full code to this question can be defined as follows:
#include <iostream>//defining header file
using namespace std;
void printCheck(int work_hour, float rate_per_hour, float salary)//defining a method printCheck that takes three paramaters
cout<<"Hour: "<<work_hour<<endl;//print hour value
cout<<"Rate Per Hour: "<<rate_per_hour<<endl;//print rate/hour value
cout<<"Salary: "<<salary;//print salary value
int main()//defining main method
int work_hour;//defining integer variable
float rate_per_hour,salary;//defining float variable
cout<<"Enter hour and rate/hour value: "<<endl;//print message
cin>>work_hour;//input hour value
cin>>rate_per_hour;//input rate_per_hour value
salary= work_hour*rate_per_hour;//calculating over all salary
printCheck(work_hour,rate_per_hour,salary);//calling method
return 0;
Enter hour and rate/hour value:
Hour: 4
Rate Per Hour: 200
Salary: 800
In the above-given code a method "printCheck" is declared, that accepts three-parameter "work_hour,rate_per_hour, and salary" in which work_hour is an integer type and other two variables are float type, inside the method print method are used that print the given value.
In the main method an above three variable is used, and in "work_hour and rate_per_hour" variable use for input value from the user end and the salary variable is used to calculate its value, and pass all the value into the method and call it.