Answer: My time has come! I wrote something similar to this when I was in middle school.
Let's Talk
School am I right? School is full of people with different personalities, genders, and everything. So what makes it so aggravating for the students as well as the teachers? Let's talk about it for a second. Everyone has their own problems both teacher's and student's. But not everyone can express their feelings properly, some express it with fighting and being disruptive in the school environment, some express it by talking to people, while others don't express it at all and just keep it hidden from sight. This is something that very few people are able to recognize, so let's talk about it. This is on the view point of someone who understands just about everything that happens in the school environment. So listen up, I'll tell you a story about what happens with it all.
There are many problems with school, students getting bullied for the way they dress, rumors being spread, misunderstood students, students who have mental and emotional problems. I know what you are thinking, "so what?" am I right? Well many things can hide behind a fake smile, you would never believe how hurt or the type of pain someone can be in because all they do is smile and hide what is actually killing them. I like to believe that females wear makeup to hide their insecurities and males act tough to make up for their immaturity. Most people don't understand how stressful or how hard it is to explain what is going on in someone's head when that person doesn't really understands their self. You would never even believe that the 'happiest' person had a lot of problems. You don't notice how some students have the ability to act as if nothing was ever wrong on a daily basis, when in reality that they're on the verge of tears or something else but they keep pushing forward just to see how much more they can take. Pay close attention to the more quiet students, pay close attention to the students who are always so happy and smiley all the time because you never know if something is bothering them.
Not all teacher's understand the things that happen with a student on a daily basis, I'm not saying that students are always messing up and teachers aren't stressed out as well. What I am saying is that some students always are trying to be perfect for their parents or trying to copy their older siblings so where they can be noticed by their parents. I'm not saying that all parents are neglecting their children, what I am saying is that teachers along with parents can be small minded sometimes. Everyone is human, we all make mistakes and no one is perfect no matter how hard you try to become that way, you will still make mistakes. That's just how the world works.
Teacher, you need to understand that not all of your students understand what you are saying or what you are teaching. Some students stay quiet, so try to pay attention to everyone's reaction and emotions to what you are teaching. A teachers job is to teach as well as help their students understand the material, you have to be patient and think of new way of teaching the material and providing the students with information. Students don't always understand all of the material that is being provided, don't insult or get mad at them for not understanding, don't forget that they are human too. You have to think outside the box when it comes to teaching something new, don't make it sound boring or non-educating, try to come up with new ways to get students to participate and to minimize classroom disruptions.
A teacher was once a student who is still a student, while a student is a student of teaching new things to the teacher. Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. It's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday.
Hopefully this is what you wanted/needed for your assignment. If you need anymore information let me know!