Do not have the text referenced but will give it a try.
What does it mean to be brave? Having fear but overcoming those fears. Rallying to aid someone who is in danger.
How were the actions of Pearl Harbor Survivors examples of bravery?
My father was a sailor on the USS Maryland, battleship row, BB-46. He did not fire the anti aircraft guns but did volunteer along with others to go topside and turn on the water cooling pumps so the guns would not seize up.
The soldiers, sailors and marines will tell you the only heroes are the ones that gave their lives.
They manned their battle stations in the face of bombs, torpedoes, machine gun fire. Death and destruction all around yet they did their duty risked their lives (2400 ish died), repelling the IJN air attacks.
The nurses at the main hospital were also very brave. During and after the battle they worked endless hours, patching up the wounded, comforting the dying.
America, land of the free because it is home of the brave!! God Bless the USA