1. For starters a shelter needs to be made to protect people from the outside elements. Most likely built from debris off of the ship. Not to mention spare debris can be sharpened to make spears to kill local animals or fish. And fresh food that will go bad quickly will be in the ration servings first. The rations will be served every few days since a human can live off their body fat. And once in a starving state any food they eat will immediately be stored as fat. The life rafts will be emptied out and set out for rain water to fill them up. If rain water does not come then clothing can be used as a filter to make ocean water more tolerable in desperate measures.
2 Decisions regarding shelter, water, food, and medical attention will be decided as needed. With the format that everyone gets rations and all ideas will be heard out.
3 The person who leads most likely will be the person who presents themselves to make order, explain their ideas, and creates an agreed upon “game plan.”