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Describe the negative and positive roles played by women in the play Hamlet.

User Shollyman
7.5k points

1 Answer

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Step-by-step explanation:

The women of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” appear to be frail, passive figures used as pawns and dying prematurely after the mistreatment of men. However, there is more to Gertrude and Ophelia than meets the eye. Even though Hamlet is certainly not a play based on women, both female characters are more active than their vices and virtues previously lead us to believe. A closer inspection reveals that the true roles these female characters took on had purpose; these women were not as passive as they seem at first glance.

Our first perception of Gertrude is influenced by Hamlet’s response to learning she has married her brother-in-law after he has murdered her husband. Hamlet shows anger and disillusionment toward her, believing that she should remain loyal to the memory of his father the king. Yet, there is no evidence that she knows of the murder Claudius has committed. It appears she has allowed herself to be seduced by Claudius, but once again there is no evidence of whether the seduction has taken place before the death of King Hamlet or afterwards.

Gertrude finds herself in a position where she is conflicted by the roles different men wish her to play. She feels somewhat guilty about her son’s disappointment in her, but feels that she can do nothing about the situation due to her relationship with Claudius. Claudius also has expectations of her, including his wish that she disregard Hamlet and remain loyal only to him.

It could be said Gertrude is so fickle she lacks virtue, however, in Act II, scene IV, she shows motherly concern for Hamlet’s welfare and makes plans to speak with him in her chamber. After Hamlet accuses her of lust, she does not make excuses for herself; she openly admits her shortcoming. What redeems Gertrude is her final act of loyalty to her son.

In the final act, when Claudius pours the poisoned wine, Gertrude claims thirst while reaching for the goblet. Claudius warns her not to drink; nevertheless, she does, knowing it was poured for Hamlet, and as she dies, she tells her son that the drink is poison for him. In her sacrifice of herself for her son, there is redemption for Gertrude’s lust, immaturity, and fickleness. She has now shown, not passivity, but strength and loyalty.

The role of Ophelia is presented as a gentle, loyal, obedient, and young woman who is meant to be the love of Hamlet’s life, even though he rarely thinks of her or considers her in his plans. Most of the time Hamlet just appears to be cruel to her, as if he is just using her as a pawn, as is so when Ophelia tells her father that Hamlet appears to her to be looking and acting like a crazy man. It seems very likely he is just using Ophelia as part of his plot to get the word out that he is insane.

Ophelia is an example of a perfect daughter who obeys her father without argument. Even when she is asked to reject Hamlet whom she believes is the love of her life, she responds subserviently that she will obey, and meets with Hamlet to deceive him. Polonius also uses his daughter for his own reasons, which in this case, is to spy on Hamlet. This actually becomes a turning point in the play. Hamlet reveals his complicated feelings for Ophelia as well as the depth by which he is hurt and betrayed by her. As Ophelia tries to return his gifts his feelings become evident. Hamlet becomes defensive refusing to accept the return, and responds with, “I never gave you aught”. He then continues to express his anger and disgust with women and humanity as he tells her, “Get thee to a nunnery: why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” This hurts Ophelia mentally as well as physically since he has thrown her around a bit and she expresses this with her own thoughts.

“Oh, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown. The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mold of form, The observed of all observers, quite, quite down! And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, That sucked the honey of his music vows, Now see that noble and most sovereign reason, Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh; That unmatch’d form and feature of blown youth Blasted with ecstasy: O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!”

Basically, Ophelia is saying, “Wow, he seemed like such a wonderful guy; before his words to me were so sweet and I let myself fall for him, and now he’s gone totally gone around the bend.” Ophelia’s perfection also becomes her downfall, unfortunately she has no “voice” nor does she seem to have any obvious heroine qualities; and one thing of interest that comes to mind is her lack of desire to defend herself.

User Danze
7.7k points