Bouncing motion ----> (makes muscles tighter)
Ballistic stretching-->(usually used to gain long . term flexibility)
No motion --->(should not be performed)
Gentle motion------>(usually used after a warm-up, helps prepare muscles for sports activities)
Step-by-step explanation:
Gentle motion: whenever someone is starting sport activities, the muscle need to be prepared with "gentle motion" , this could be inform of warming up which done gently, then after that the muscle can be engaged fully for the activities. It usually help to prevent common sports injuries.
Bouncing motion: helps in
making muscles tighter, it helps the body to acquire necessary strength by allowing muscles at a particular part of the body to comes together to give strength.
Ballistic stretching: after stretching, the muscle will relax as well as healthy, then flexibility will be gained to perform activities required for long time, because flexibility is needed to maintain a range of motion in our joints
No motion: it is usually advices by expert that after sport activities, no motion is not bad because it's not good for muscles, one shouldn't stop just of a sudden.