a- 2/5 + 1/4=.65 mixture of red and blue paint
(2/5) / .65 X 1.625=1 gallon of red paint
(1/4) / .65 X 1.625=5/8 gllaons of blue paint, because
1 + 5/8=1 5/8 gallons of purple paint.
b-1/10 + 2/5 + 1/4=.75 mixture of white, red and blue paint
(1/10) / .75 X 3/8= 1/20 gallons of white paint
(2/5) / .75 X 3/8=1/5 gallons of red paint
(1/4) / .75 X 3/8=1/8 gallons of blue paint, because
1/20 + 1/5 + 1/8=3/8 gallons of lighter purple paint.