"You don't know what that LETTER can bring upon us."
Step-by-step explanation:
book : A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
Nora is afraid of her husband Torvald's reaction in case Krogstad tells him about her forgery
money symbolizes the power that the characters have over one another
Torvald controls Nora's behavior so that it is to his liking and as a result his reputation will be sturdy
Torvald wants respect
Nora has good intentions
Nora forged her father's signature on the promissory note
in order to get the money
Nora borrowed money to save her husband, Torvald's, life
Nora realizes that Torvald will completely disapprove of her having borrowed money, so she has to continue to keep it a secret from him
To prove his point and his authority over Nora
Torvald sent a letter to fire Krogstad from the bank where they both work
in end Nora walks out on her husband and her children in order to truly understand herself and learn about the world
Nora ceases to be a doll.