I got you!!!
1. means "little war" with hit and run tactics.
2. The Continental System was an attempt to hurt Britain's economy by placing an embargo on British goods/blocking all trade, but it failed because he was not able to block an entire continent.
3. Napoleon was hoping to invade after the economic collapse of Britain due to the embargo.
4.It hurt Napoleon's allies more than it hurt Britain.
5. Russia still traded with Britain.
6.Napolean's Army was so mobile because, Napoleon's armies traveled lightly they forged for food and supplies as they traveled, Russia's heartlands were sparsely populated and not a lot of places to eat.
7.Scorched Earth. They withdrew as Napoleon advanced and set fire to leave nothing for the French to use.
8.The Russians burned their capital and the French retreated.
9.They lost 50,000 men and it was the end of Napoleon's control.