we use
(b) A mixture of iodine and sand can be separated by:
(C) Water and alcohol both can be obtained by:
i. distillation
iii. evaporation
i, evaporation
iii. crystallization
i distillation
iii. centrifugation
(d) Cream from milk is separated by:
i. distillation
ji, distillation
iv. sublimation
Answer these questions
(a) What is a mixture?
(b) What do you mean
(c) What is a homogen
(d) Define crystal and s
(e) Write any two uses
What are dilute and
(g) Define a solute. W
(h) Write the uses of s
ii. crystallization
iv. sublimation
ii. crystallization
iv. Sublimation
(0) What is a homoge
What are the com
(k) Define a solution.
(1) What is a saturate
jii. centrifugation
(e) Changing vapour into liquid state is called: