The general characteristics of the vegetation in the picture are evergreen, layered by height, broad leaves, and high density.
Step-by-step explanation:
Central Africa is home to one of the largest tropical rainforests in the world, located in the Congo Basin. Like all tropical rainforests, the climate is stable all year round, with temperatures being relatively monotonous throughout the year. The temperatures are high, precipitation levels are high, and humidity is also very high. These conditions are ideal for the development of lush vegetation.
The vegetation that we can see in the picture is typical for most of the tropical rainforests. Because of the stable temperature, all year round, the vegetation is constantly green, as it doesn't need to slow down or stop its processes as in other regions. The different types of plants dominate particular height, with ferns dominating the lowest layer, palms being above them, and the tall trees being on top. This development has occurred because of competition for light and adaptations for surviving with little light. The leaves of the plants are broad and this is so that they can perform photosynthesis easier, but also for the water to gather and move on them depending on the needs of the plants. Because the soil is rich in nutrients, the temperatures high, and there is a lot of rainfall, the conditions enable for development of very dense vegetation.