answer for 1: on weather maps, these readings are represented as a blue "H" for high pressure or a red "L" for low pressure.
answer for 2: A low pressure system is a less dense air mass that is usually wetter and warmer than the surrounding air. In general, areas that experience high atmospheric pressure also experience fairweather. Low pressure systems can cause the formation of clouds and storms.
answer for 3: A high pressure system is a whirling mass of cool, dry air that generally brings fair weatherand light winds. When viewed from above, winds spiral out of a high-pressure center in a clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere. These bring sunny skies. A low pressure system is a whirling mass of warm, moist air that generallybrings stormy weather with strong winds. When viewed from above, winds spiral into a low-pressure center in a counterclockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere.
answer for 4: cold front is indicated on the line by blue triangles pointing away from the colder air and in the direction towards which the cold air is moving. A warm front is a front that is moving in the direction of the colder air. In this case, warm air is colliding with the cold air(warm air is "doing" the colliding).
answer for 5: A stationary front forms when a coldfront or warm front stops moving. Thishappens when two masses of air are pushing against each other, but neither is powerful enough to move the other. Winds blowing parallel to the frontinstead of perpendicular can help it stay in place. answer for 6: Many fronts cause weather events such as rain, thunderstorms, gusty winds, and tornadoes. At a cold front, there may be dramatic thunderstorms. At a warm front, there may be low stratus clouds. Usually, the skies clear once the fronthas passed. answer for 7: As the warm air mass rises, it condenses into a broad area of clouds. A warm front brings gentle rain or light snow, followed by warmer, milder weather. Stationaryfront Forms when warm and cold air meet and neither air mass has the forceto move the other