4 votes
Unit 1: Love and Reminiscence

The Grandmother, Ray Young Bear
About Love, Anton Chekhov
Word Meaning:
American Indian
all - loving
Unit 2: Ecology and Change
Too Few Trocs, Moti Nissani
पाठको नेपाली रुपान्तरण
Travelling Through the Dark, William Stafford,
Unit 3: Humour and Satire
A Story, Daylan Thomas
The Grandmother
The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner, William Butler Yeats
Two Long-term Problems: Too Many People and
Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies, William Shakespeare
Hurried Trip to Avoida Bad Star, M. Lilla and C. Bishop Berry
यदि मैले मेरी हजुरआमाको शरीर एक माइल टाढाबाट देखे भने पनि म त्यो अकृति
हजुरआमाकै हो भनेर तुरुन्तै चिन्न सक्थे। प्याजी रंगको मजेत्रो ओटेको र हातमा पसलबाट किनी
सामान बोक्दा प्रयोग गरिने प्लाष्टिकको झोला बोकेकी । यदि मलाई मेरो शिरमा (टाउकोमा)
The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
हातको स्पर्श भयो भने ओसिला र न्याना तथा जराहरूका सुगन्धयुक्त ती हात हजुरआमाकै हुन्
भनेर चिन्ने थिएँ। यदि मैले कुनै चट्टानबाट स्वर आएको सुने भने म तुरुन्त चिन्ने थिए र राति
निभ्न लागेका आगोमा कसैले यताउता खरानी चलाउँदा आउने रापको प्रकाश झै म भित्र बग्दथे
Ray Young Bear, an American -Indian poet and novelist, was
born in a Mesquaki tribe. The theme of his writings is the contemporary
American Indian's search for identity.
In the "Grandmother the poet has recalled his grandmother
picture. The grandmother had a distinct shape. He could know her from
mile away. She used to wear purple scarf and carry a plastic shopping b
while going to and returning from the market. When she returned from
field, her hands used to be wet yet he could still feel the warmth of affect
love and care in her touch. He could even know her by the smell of
coming from her hands. He would always remember his grandmother's
31 inspiring, soothing voice. Every time he went towards the graveyard
he heard her voice. The voice flowed into him like the light of so
stirring ashes from a sleeping fire at night. She was all-loving
-Ray Young Bear
Red Indian अमेरिकाका आदिवासीहरू
मेस्ववेकी नामक रेड इन्डियन समुदाय
सर्व प्रेरणादायक
प्याजी रंडको
उनका शब्दहरू। 1
3. Summary in English:
Unit 4: God and Man
God's Grandeur, Gerand Manley Hopkins
Unit 5: Human Rights
I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Unit 6: Women and Children
Women's Business, Ilene Kantrov
The Children Who Wait, Marsha Traugot
A Child is Born, Germaine Greer
Unit 7: Crime and Confession
The Tell- Tale Heart, Edar Alan Poe
Purgatory, William Butler Yeats
Unit 8: Playing with the Text
Hansel and Gretel, Jacob and Wilheim Grimm
Gretel, Garrison Keillor
Completing Texts
The Boarding House, James Joyce
Interpreting Texts
rebus caress uns
The "Grandmother' represents the cultural identity of the
34 tribe. By remembering his grandmother, he is lamenting the losse
The poet is suggesting that the cultural identity is th

User Tejendra
7.5k points

1 Answer

5 votes

Dat be confusing

I dont like explaining things so yea

User Subhash Chandra
7.2k points