Comparing them using government:
Legal system- The civil law system in Mexico has US constitutional law influence.
The legal age to vote The legal age to vote in Mexico and United States is both 18 years of age.
The national symbol: The national symbol in United States is a bald eagle as in Mexico is a gold eagle.
Citizenship: In the United States and Mexico your a citizen from birth, citizenship by descent only and the residency requirement for naturalization in both is 5 years.
Government type: In Mexico the government type is federal presidential republic while in United States is constitutional federal republic.
Time Zones: Mexico (UTC-6) United States (UTC-5)
Administrative regions: In Mexico there is (32) while in the United States there is (50 and 1 district)
Head of goverment:
United States: President Donald J. Trump
Mexico: President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador