Hmmm... interesting questions. here are my answers
Step-by-step explanation:
1. What is the one thing you wish you knew before you started this social media class?
- How social media actually affects everybody that uses it in different ways and what their purposes are.
2. What is one habit you’ve changed on social media since taking this class?
- I have cut down the amount of time I spend each day on social media and i tend to socialize with my friends in person more than I did before.
3. What advice would you give another student about their social media project?
That although it might be the hardest, longest, and most important assignment in the class that it's nothing too complicated and the student can always get the teachers assistance.
4. What was your project’s intended change? What was your plan to implement it?
To have a more patriotic nation that loves all of their troops for what they do. Spread their sacrifices as much as possible because not everybody knows exactly what they go through and show people how much the soldiers do for us and what the people can do to give back.
5. Who was your target audience and how did you try to get them involved?
My target audience are patriotic people and anybody supportive of the people in the armed forces who risk their lives for our way of life. Encouraging them to donate to WWP (Wounded Warriors Project) and helping injured heroes. It would also be great to reach out to those who aren't so supportive of the military to try and get their support by making them realize how important it is.
6. Did your project have any surprising results? How did you achieve them?
The most surprising results are that I gained many more friends for being so pro-military, while at the same time I lost a couple because they were that against it.
7. Is this the end? How do you plan to continue this project into the future?
I will continue to encourage people for the rest of my life to get them to donate to projects similar to this one, especially if it helps the ones that are injured.