I'll be putting the changes in bold.
Step-by-step explanation:
Wednesday, July 14th, 2021
What is today….Oh yeah, I almost forgot it is my birthday. Hi, my name is Mia Jackson, and this is the crazy story of my life. I am turning 14 today, and right now I wish I was not. If you are wondering why here is the reason. My parents just got a divorce, as of today. They want me to choose who to live with. Like every 14-year-old, all we can think about is how now we get everything doubled, so yea I am kind of happy about that but I also feel like this is my fault. If it was not my fault why have I mentioned every single time they fought. You might be wondering what I am talking about? So here is a little background information. My parents met at the age of 14 and 16. My mom got pregnant at 17. My dad’s parents wanted them to get married after my mom gave birth. After they got married, they were always fighting about everything. Mainly it was either about money or about how my mother can’t ever get any fresh air because he was always telling her what to do and the same topic ended with me. But let’s not think about that right now let’s think about the fact that they haven’t even taken a minute or second to say happy birthday.
Thursday, July 15th, 2021
Hey, today is the next day so today like always I get told happy birthday how exciting, but I wish I got it told the correct day, but I have more bad news. I have to choose between my parents. If I go with my mom we are traveling to Canada. If I go with my dad we are traveling to Alaska. Wow, I can’t believe it. Luckily I got one good thing I get to stay for the first semester so I can at least have time with my friends, speaking about friends here are some of the friends that I'm going to leave behind after the first semester. Just keeping count of how people I have to say goodbye to.