Dear "girl" friend,
I know you are considering dropping out of school. I know you are smart, which is why there has to be some reasoning behind why you are dropping out. But I will give you my reasons why you shouldn't drop out.
1. When you study in school, you can get the job of your choice, and the further you go in your education, the better the job will be and its payment. With a high level of knowledge at hand, you can do the job you want, instead of the job you need. What i mean is that you can choose the job you want to do because you know you will like it, and not have to choose a job you don't want to do because you aren't educated enough for better jobs.
2. Most school dropouts most likely end up going the wrong direction and become under the wrong influence. They won't have much of an education to get a good job and might hang out with bad people who will make them do things that aren't good for them.
3. You could go under a lot of depression and a never ending spiral of negativeness in your life. Everything may seem hard to you and you will keep on thinking there isn't a reason to live. This isn't a good way to think, since many people care about you, including me, which is why you shouldn't drop out of school.
Love (or sincerely or from, depending on relationship status),
Your friend