I finished reading The Fault In Our Stars, it was truly a heart warming story. The emotion was so strong I could feel it while reading. What hit my hard was the quote Hazel and Gus both said from a book the both read, "Pain demands to be felt." My heart aches from Hazel near the end of the book.. When Gus dies she begins talking about a memory that happened when she was young. She says that the doctor asked her to rate her pain from 1 to 10 and she said 9 because she was saving her 10. Gus's death was the 10 she was saving. I enjoyed reading about how Hazel slowly falling in love with Gus even though she's afraid she'll hurt him. Something Hazel said in the book was that she's a grenade and one day she'll explode and hurt everyone around her. Her pain is sharp. You can feel it with every sentence in the book. Her thoughts feel so real. She feels so real.
(This is terrible, sorry..)