The unspoken rules in my house are: say yes ma'am, no ma'am, no sir, yes sir; be back home by 6, be in bed by 8 then you can read till 8:30, treat people the way you want to be treated, and have proper manners like saying please and thank you. My mom always says that if you don't treat people you want to be treated, then they will treat you the way you treat them, or if they are still kind to you, karma will get back at you three times, and each time will be worse than the last until you learn your lesson. My Mom and Dad agree that kid should treat their elders and people they meet with respect, so they make sure I say yes ma'am, yes sir, and say, please and thank you, so you are polite to people. My mom says I need to be home by 6, so we can have dinner, shower, feed the animals, and still have family time, and so she knows where I am at all times. Then there's the 8 o'clock bedtime where I have to be in bed by then, so I have time to wind down and read some so I can fall asleep because I can't sleep If I don't read before going to bed.
Hope this helps=)
Step-by-step explanation: