7 votes
The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted for a relatively short period of time but had the highest possible stakes. The United States was on the brink of a nuclear war very close to home. President Kennedy would call on a number of close advisers to help guide him through this crisis.

Imagine that you are an adviser to President Kennedy. You will need to check various resources to prepare a brief for the President to guide him through decisions he must make about the crisis. Visit each site in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, as directed below, and respond to each statement or question to help you prepare your brief.

“The World on the Brink: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.” Write a clear statement summarizing the situation Kennedy faced.

“Theodore C. Sorensen's memorandum, October 18, 1962.” List the possible courses of action, including some advantages and disadvantages of each.

“Letter to Nikita Khrushchev from Fidel Castro.” Describe the Cuban position.

Read or listen to President Kennedy’s speech to the nation at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, “Address to the Nation on the Soviet Arms Buildup in Cuba.” Write a list of other actions he ultimately included.

(50 points)
Now, review your notes and write your brief for the president. Your brief should be three to four paragraphs and should provide a complete explanation of the problem and the possible solutions available to the President.
1. How should President Kennedy respond to the Soviet Arms Buildup in Cuba?

1 Answer

7 votes
  • In 1962 , cuban missile crisis had taken place between soviet union and America which had brought both the countries quite close to war. Soviet union wanted to built missile base in cuba which was strongly opposed by USA and so that Soviet Missiles and other military equipment do not reach cuba , America had created the blockade of cuban ports. At that time President John F Kennedy was president of USA. He want to tackle the situation as soon as possible .
  • UN secretary General U Thant had made serious efforts to avert the crisis in which he did not get much success. Soviet union had demanded that in case America agrees to remove its rockets from Turkey , then Soviet union will also abandon the idea of creating missile base in cuba. But America had rejected this demand of Soviet union.
  • As a result of an agreement reached between Soviet prime minister Nikita Khrushchev and American president John F Kennedy, the situation was averted . Under this agreement, soviet union had abandoned the idea of creating missile base in cuba on the condition that America would never attack over Cuba.

User CGN
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