No one saw this coming, It was the middle of the night and everyone was undeniably shocked especially the parents of 6 year old Rosie. In the little Island of Timberwood Falls, no one ever got lost. All except for scared little Rosie. It was dark and rainy, and she feared for her life. WIld animals roamed the island, and they were hungry. Homeless dogs and cats were ready to rip her to shreds, but she started slowly let go of her fear as she started to sing. When she did she became calm. Although she was still lost she thought of it as an adventure just calling her name. Rosie managed to doge death and injury by taking the strait path. When she got to the end she excitedly ran into the arms of her parents, and always looked for the next adventure.
Step-by-step explanation:
I hope this is good enough, I made it up.