An aesthetic and meaningful expression of ideas or feelings that are realized through the media of points, lines, planes, shapes, colors, textures and light and darkness arranged according to certain principles is called d. Art
Fine art is a branch of art that creates works of art using media that can be captured by the eye and felt by touch. Fine art consists of basic elements, namely points, lines, planes, shapes, colors, textures and light and darkness.
These elements are arranged according to certain principles, such as balance, proportion, rhythm, and so on.
So, Dramatic art is a branch of art that uses the media of roles, dialogue and scenes to produce works of art.
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An aesthetic and meaningful expression of ideas or feelings that are realized through the media of points, lines, planes, shapes, colors, textures and light and darkness arranged according to certain principles is called……. * a. Musical art b. Dance art c. Dramatic arts d. Art