In 250 million years, the tectonic plates will most probably cluster, but that is only if the current movements remain the same, and there is no formation of any other plates that will disturb the process and reverse it.
Step-by-step explanation:
While we know how, where, and how much the tectonic plates are moving at present or where doing so in the past, it is impossible to make an accurate prediction for the future, at least not for the far future. The reason is simple, some plates get subducted and dissapear while new ones form and grow. It is not really possible to predict where will new plates form, what will be their size, or even less in what direction they will move.
If we assume that the plates will continue to move as they do at present, in 250 million years they should form a new supercontinent. The Eurasian and North American plates will be merged slightly more south than at present, The Nubian plate will be merged with the Eurasian in its southwestern part, the Australian will come at the position of the Philippines, the South American attached to the Australian on its west, the Antarctic plate will merge with the southwestern part of the Nubian plate, and the Somali plate will merge with the Australian on its east.
Such a scenario will result in the formation of new massive mountain chains and plateaus near the convergent boundaries. The climate will change and the ecosystems will be significantly shifted. New forests will emerge, but also new deserts, with numerous natural boundaries between them. This will result in the extinction of a lot of plants and animals, while others will prosper and take over.