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Step-by-step explanation:
God did let us know through Jesus, when he said, in Matthew 24:14, " And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." What does this mean? What is God's Kingdom? God's Kingdom is a Heavenly Kingdom that God set up and chose Jesus to be it's king. There will be no one superior to him except for God. It's Kingdom will rule over the Earth from heaven. Jesus is will rule with fairness, be compassionate and unlike many rulers now a days he will not die as he is immortal. As it says in 1 Timothy 6:16. What will God's Kingdom Do? If you read Revelation 12: 7-10, it describes what happened in 1914. A war broke out in Heaven Michael (Jesus) and his angels batted Satan and his devilish angels. Satan was defeated and thrown out of the heavens onto the Earth. Which is why in the last century Wars, Death, Hunger, Pandemics, Earthquakes, Tsunamis...etc... have DRASTICALLY INCREASED if you look at news reports since 1914 every has just gotten worse. God's Kingdom will release us from the devil by locking him up for 1000 and giving humble people the chance to live in a Paradise full of wonders and no more suffering. Now back to the Scripture in Matthew; What does that scripture mean? God loves every single one of us individually and wants us all to live in this Paradise on Earth, this is exactly why he wants the news of this Kingdom to reach every person in every corner of the world.
*If u have any questions just ask me in the comments!*
Hope this helps!