In the poem titled "The Way to Wealth," written by Benjamin Franklin, he makes the clever use of two narrative voices rather than simply just one. On the part of Franklin, this decision was very intelligent because it allowed him to further get his message across to the readers as well as more thoroughly convince them by using the voices of the narrators. These two narrative voices function as two different people whom have differing opinions; however, in the poem, they are both still advocating for Benjamin Franklin's method of becoming successful and wealthy through claiming that Franklin's method had worked for them as well. By having two narrative voices rather than one, it helps to reinforce the idea that Benjamin Franklin's ideas actually work because there are two voices to confirm this rather than just one, which would be less reliable. It is especially important to note that these two narrative voices were written to have different opinions and ideals, which would not only appeal to a larger audience but also show how the point that Benjamin Franklin is trying to make is effective and useful to many different people, not just to one group of people who believe the same thing. Benjamin Franklin made an excellent and smart choice to include two narrative voices; if the poem was shown to have more than just one person that the plan to becoming successful and wealthy worked for, then it creates the illusion that the method works more efficiently, effectively, and accurately.
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