1. cuticle
2. leaf epidermis
3. leaf xylem
4. guard cell
5. leaf epidermis
6. stoma
7. root hair
8. ground tissue (xylem vessel)
Step-by-step explanation:
functions of :
stomata aid in losing of water during transpiration
guard cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata .this happens when the guard cells have a hypertonic environment they absorb water from the neighboring cells hence they expand and the stomata open .during the night the sugar levels in the guard cells have dropped hence they lose water to the neighbouring cells hence they shrink become flaccid and the stomata close.
xylem transports water to various parts of the plant
cuticle is a thin waxy and transparent is shiny to reduce excessive loss of water and it is transparent to allow light to penetrate through
root hairs are thin ,long and flexible.they are thin to reduce distance covered by diffusing water,they are long to allow their ability to tap water from underground,they are flexible to increase their ability to reach water sources .