e. Nutrient runoff from agriculture fertilizers, manure, and urban sources, which leads to rapid algal growth and subsequent bacterial decomposition
Run off from agricultural wastes which contain Nitrogen and Phosphorus are the major sources causes dead zones.The process where these chemical get washed into the aquatic bodies is called Eutrophication.
These substances leads to algae boosts in the water.The increases population of the algae consumes the available oxygen in the water, therefore making the oxygen concentration drops or no oxygen at all;(Hypoxia)
As the algae population feed on the available resources in the water they exhausted this,and later die.
When the decomposing bacteria used the oxygen in the water to breakdown the dead algae they make use of the available oxygen.This further reduced the oxygen availability and therefore reduces the oxygen and hence the zone becomes the dead zone, because little or no oxygen is available for survival of organisms.
This is reversible if the process if europhication or other causes is eliminated
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