A. Private businesses make the materials used in space rockets, ➡️ but the National Aeronautics & Space run the space program.
B. Private maufacturers build combat helicopters, ➡️ but the Department of Defense buys, owns, and uses the helicopters
C. Private food makers compete to make the tastiest breakfast cereal, ➡️ but the Food & Drug Administration requires nutrition labels on boxes.
D. Private cosmetic companies compete to create the most clump-free mascara, ➡️ but the Food & Drug Administration outlaws toxic ingredients in makeup.
E. Private contractors build new courthouses, ➡️ but the government owns the buildings and runs the court system.
F. Private companies design flashy ads to attract consumers' attention, ➡️ but the Federal Trade Commission outlaws telling lies in advertising.
G. Private oil companies refine oil to make gasoline for people's cars, ➡️ but the government taxes gasoline to pay for roads and other services.
H. Private individuals compete to get jobs to support themselves, ➡️ but the Department of Economic Security helps those who lose their job or can't work.
These are some of the functions/roles of both the private business and the government. Each of them have specific roles they play in a mixed economy