34 days 4 hours and 40 minutes
First convert 3,962km to miles.
There are 1.609km in 1 mile so:
3,962km/1.609km = 2461.87 miles ≈ 2,462mi
If your walking speed is 3mph then divide the distance by 3.
2462/3 = 820.67hours.
Let's figure out the number of days, hours, minutes.
820.67hr/24 = 34.1944 days since we have a fraction of a day, let's figure out hours.
.1944 x 24 = 4.6666 So 4 hours and some minutes, let's figure out the minutes.
.66666 x 60 = 40
At 3mph it will take you 34 days 4 hours and 40 minutes to walk from New York to Los Angeles if you take no breaks and don't sleep.