I really like your poem. I am new to poem writing. I know this is off topic from your question but you seem to know what you are doing. Could you tell me what you think of my poem Please?
Step-by-step explanation:
People always say ignore them they are just hurting or insecure.
They are totally lying you are awesome.
Don't listen to them.
What they don't realize is that I am my biggest bully.
There is nothing anyone could say to me that I have not said to myself multiple times before.
How do I not listen when it is me telling them things.
How do you ignore yourself?
If you think I am u gly then imagine how I feel I have to live with myself 24/7.
Imagine constantly wondering if you are not good enough.
People, always think it is others that hurt you the most but for me I am my worst enemy.
I am the bully.
But when someone decides let's make fun of her.
I am already too broken
Like a Pillow ripped up, one wrong move and I am gone.
How can you try and break someone already broken?
Maybe they think I am okay because of the fake smile I plaster on every day, or the jokes I make to cover the pain, or the I'm fine.
I am not fine.
Save me from myself Please.